Beekeeping with kids in the Austin area, Central Texas

Beekeeping in Central Texas with our children, we have found to be very rewarding. Children love to learn by doing and because we homeschool, beekeeping is a wonderful addition to our wonder of learning. We have been very intentional about teaching our children how to live a sustainable life because teaching our kids how to steward the important things around us, that have been given to us as a gift, is important to the future. Bees are an important addition to any sustainable homestead because Bees provide an important life support to growing food. They are important because they are the heavy duty pollinators.

Besides producing honey and making bee products, one of the most treasured lessons that our children have learned while beekeeping is how to stay calm and careful in a tense situation. Our young daughter, as part of her homeschool project, logs every hive inspection and writes a report on anything she learns and any remedies each hive needs. She then uses her knowledge to make any changes we need to the hives. The biggest reward in beekeeping with our children is the bonding time between us, and their connection with the community and nature. Connecting with your children through beekeeping is a win for your family and a win for the world.

I list some common things you will need to start beekeeping with your kids.

Some of the things you will need when Beekeeping with kids

  1. Hive

  2. Nuc or a Package of bees

  3. frames (I prefer the wax over the plastic frames)

  4. Bee tools

  5. Smoker

  6. Protective Beekeeping suit with veil and gloves

  7. Jar with holes (feeder)

  8. cinder blocks (to put the hive on)

  9. journal

  10. Check with your area to see if there are any regulations to keep bees.


Growing and eating amaranth leaves also called bitekuteku, rau den, or callaloo, in our Austin area food forest


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